Friday, 7 December 2007

Webcams in Norway (Part 1)

The following link is a really interesting site, that includes a lot of webcameras from Norway! You can watch in real time a list of webcams, which are placed in towns, mountains, harbours, ski slopes and in other many areas!

Let's see some of the webcams by selecting regions on the top of the site.
First region is Akershus in SE Norway. Not many cameras to choose, but these are quite interesting.


Vøyenenga; Kirkerudbakken ski slope with snow

Next region in alphabetical order is Aust Agder. Aust Agder is in South Norway. Sunny weather there as you can see...
A nice town, where I travel every year (I'm 50/50 Norwegian/Greek), is Arendal!
This webcam shows the "Kulturhuset" in the centre of Arendal.

Some other nice webcams from the (local newspaper).
Centre of Arendal

This webcam shows the small island Tromøy,

the even smaller island Hisøy

and the smallest of all, Merdø

The lighthouse "Lille Torungen" is also depicted in this webcam.

A town near Arendal is Grimstad.

Grimstad - Groosefjorden

Many webcams are also located on Hovden mountain, but they cannot be shown throug the site WebcamsInNorway.

Next region is Buskerud in SE Norway. Cloudy weather there now.

Drammen - harbour

Geilo mountain - ski slope

Kongsberg - Nybrua. Floods were caused by severe rainfalls around that river in July.

Finmark, the northest region of Norway! It's been snowing for weeks there, but the last 2 days the weather got warmer and snow has started to melt...But snowfalls are forecasted again for the next days, so it's worth to wathch these webcams after Monday.
Kirkenes (live! )


Hedmark, SE Norway. Cloudy and snow covering the mountains.
Hamar - airport

Hamar - Vangsåsen

Hordaland, West Norway. Nice weather in most areas, and partly cloudy.


Finse; railway station

Møre og Romsdal, West Norway. Rainy weather.

Skei - ski slope

1 comment:

Antoine said...

Τελείως διαφορετική φιλοσοφία σε όλα αυτή η Νορβηγία! Πολύ καλές φωτογραφίες!

Σκοπεύεις να πας τα Χριστούγεννα στους παππούδες σου;